Tuesday, August 4, 2009

BK Quiz 2009, KL

5 students of SMK Lopeng Tengah has attended National SPM BK Quiz in SMK Assunta, Petaling Jaya on 1.08.09. Departed Miri at 9.40pm on 31.8.09 and arrived in LCCT at 11.50pm. Guest what??? Our 'Mr Driver' forgot to fetch us!!! So we waited for another 40 minutes at LCCT for him. We arrived Menara Wesley abt 2.30 am and sleep right away becoz the Quiz is in the morning!!!

Here are some photos during our trip & enjoy viewing.

From left: Daveera, Andriane, Nadeen, Mildrate & Lachel. Arriving SMK Assunta very early in the morning to get rid of the jam.

Group photo before the quiz. More than 300 students participated in Team of 2 category

Assembled at the 'Lawn' of SMK Assunta, PJ - before the quiz.

Assembled at the 'Lawn' of SMK Assunta, PJ - before the quiz.

Oopps!.... this is SMK Bakong's team. Sorry girls, what's yr name??

Yes!.. here we go...!

Group photo for the Individual Category - more than 500 of them.

Individual category gathered near canteen, listening to Ms Moey and praying for the government of Malaysia, that the gov. will consider to make maximum subject taken for SPM be increased to 12 not 10. Coz if 10, the science stream student will not be able to take BK in the future.

Praise & Worship before going into the 2nd part of the quiz at Sr. Enda Hall.

Inside Sr. Enda Hall

Jeng! Jeng! the result. Guest what , infact we manage to enter part 2 but coz of technical error ( the X is the proof ), we don't join part 2 coz nobody inform us. wa wa wa.... never mindlah, next time don't do that again ho? Mahal tambang belon wo....

Mildrate, Lachel & Nadeen's reaction when 1st part result came out.

Mummy....want 2 c hw good yr child at BK??? - Individual result.

Whatever it is, teacher always say....u hv done yr best!

Mr Meechang, me, Leni, Mdm Rufina & Wena

Mr Marcus Raja, Mr Meechang, Mrs Meechang, Ms Wena and Ms Leni - outside Sr. Enda Hall

Group photo before leaving SMK Assunta

Happy at last, everythings over. Lepas ni makan & shop 'til drop... BUT....

KL jam takde ampun2 punya coz mogok bantah ISA on 1.08.09. We stuck in the jam more than 2 hours. Geramnya....lapar some more.

Yeah..at last having our 'lunch' at Nando's Restaurant at 4.15pm! Petaling Street

One very sweet....the other very cool....which one to choose hah???

Our meal at Nando's, with Peri-Peri Sauce..yam...yam...yam. After this ronda2 & aktiviti ukur KL!

1st stop : KLCC

Inside KLCC

KLCC Garden

KLCC Garden

KLCC Garden

Anderiane always with mask : Precaution H1N1

KLCC Garden : Tengok mulut Daveera tu! ee....geram

Leni & Me at KLCC garden

Sempat tengok artis nyanyi depan BB Plaza while waiting, suara dia....wow! best gilerr...

Ice-cream ala Turkey in front of BB Plaza, yam...yam..yam... but expensive...lah

Ada style.....lah....u must try this!! Otherwise rugi

Depart to Miri, early Sunday morning with our ' Mr Driver - Mr Phoon'. Kali ni dia ingat dah...he he. TQ Mr Phoon, we were so blessed by your hospitality. Lain kali fetch lagi.
( As usual, me, always maintain cun! jgn marah ).....
Bye KL.

To all : Hope more students will be aware of this particular subject :
'Bible Knowledge for SPM'


Why Christian Students should take Bible Knowledge at SPM Level ?

1) Taking Bible Knowledge is an investment of time for eternity
* only God’s Word can prepare a young person adequately for this life and the one to come. Every subject at school or at college pales in comparison to the study of Luke and Acts which puts a student in touch with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

2) Bible Knowledge is the anchor for our students in these time of turmoil.
* Knowing and understanding God through Bible knowledge, students can stand secure in times of social unrest, physical disasters and uncertainties of all kinds

3) Strong leaders for churches today and tomorrow.
* This subject helps to nurture the young people in their Christian faith in order to provide dynamic and Godly leaders in future.
* Taking Bible Knowledge is like having a part-time theological seminary brought into our school curriculum.
* The in-depth study of Luke (Teachings of Jesus) and Acts (The establishment of the Early Church) will prove invaluable foundation for the study of the other books of the Bible.

4)Bible Knowledge provides the best moral compass that will guide their actions and decisions in their daily living.
* Today young minds are bombarded with all sorts of programmes on TV, Astro, MegaTV with questionable values.
* Moral Education in school is often taught by teachers of a different religious persuasion.

5) It helps to improve the students’ command of English language.
* Reading , discussion and written homework in English gives invaluable practice in the language.
* Memorization of certain passages will help the formation of language patterns in the mind that will enhance mastery of the language.
* To memorize verses or passages in the Bible is something invaluable in a Christian life. Ps 119: 9-11 “ How can a young man keep his life pure? By obeying your commands. I keep your law in my heart ,so that I will not sin against You.”
* Word we memorize can minister to us in times of need.

6) Taking Bible Knowledge is a testimony to our teachers, school administrators and govt officials that our christian faith means something to us.
* It is a real privilege .
* Our country is the only Muslim country where the govt will make available the Bible Knowledge to be taught and taken as a subject in SPM.
* The challenge is that we want to see the number of candidates to increase to 3000 so that it is not in danger of being strike off in the public exam.

7) Help to score an extra A1 in SPM result.
* The questions are mainly on Knowledge of Bible- direct questions
* Marked by Christian Bible Knowledge teachers

8) To Know God better, we need to know HIS Word.
* Taking Bible Knowledge is just like doing Bible Study a chapter per week for two years.

Statistics of the number of Candidates for Bible Knowledge nationwide,

Year Number of candidates
1960's Many thousands at Form 3 and Form 5 level
1987 500 at SPM level
1993 200-300 SPM, no longer available at Form 3 level
1994 BK taken out of SPM
1995 BK re-instated as SPM subject; only 20 candidates
1996 50
1997 115
1998 165
1999 234
2004 400+
2005 600+
2006 700+
2007 900+
2010 ? 3000

The no. have climbed slowly because of the efforts of :
- Malayan Christian Schools’ council
- Teachers’ Christian fellowship
- The Catholic churches
- Scripture Union

To make the public aware of the existence of this subject in SPM, will we as Christian students, parents, teachers, church member rally around and help to restore the numbers to this subject as a testimony to our government that we want our young people to be well grounded in the word of God?

May our churches play a leading role in this as we have always place great emphasis on the study of God’s word so that every believer is well equipped to serve effectively where he is placed.

Perhaps through this avenue we will see restored to the churches a strong core of young men and women able to teach and preach God’s word and inspire the churches to grow dynamically and take the gospel to every corner of our country.

The syllabus consists of only TWO books in the Bible :
1) The Gospel According to St Luke : The life and teaching of Jesus Christ
2) The Acts of the Apostles : The growth of the early Church

Format of examination for BK
- Only one paper of two and a half hours ( in English)
Need to answer 8 context questions (short questions)
- 4 from Acts,
- 4 from Luke - each carrying 5 marks
- and 4 essay questions , each carrying 15 full marks

What can you do ?
- Sharing my plan/action
- Parents : to let their children to take up BK as they enter Form 4.
- Those who are able to teach the subject regardless of whether you are a school teacher or not can volunteer to teach in church or school.

Information above was taken & modified from Training Seminar On Teaching Bible Knowledge 9221/1 for SPM, KEC Miri, on 19.07.2008 by Ms Moey Yoke Lai - Methodist College, KL.

Please pray for the Kementerian Pelajaran so that maximum subject for SPM will be increased to 12 not 10, because if 10, the science stream student will not be able to take BK in the future.

May God Bless U.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Halleluya! Praise The Lord! Syukur!, Thank You Lord....and all glory belongs to our God. By His grace and mercy, akhirnya Malam Anugerah ABBA ( Anugerah Bintang Bersinar Altar ), telah berjaya di adakan dengan penuh gemilang pada malam 26.06.2009 yang lepas. Tahniah kepada semua yang berjaya mendapatkan anugerah, yang lain pula sedar bahwa manusia terbatas untuk memberi penghargaan tetapi sedarlah...upah kita semua BESAR di surga. Thank you to all committee members and church members especially Altar Team that supported the night.

Demi melihat bukti betapa gemilangnya Malam Anugerah ABBA saya mengajak pembaca sekalian merujuk ke laman web berikut;



Ps: Thks Leanor for the photos....great & beautiful works!

Anda pasti teruja, enjoy dan diberkati dengan gambar2 tersebut, sehingga anda berfikir 'ada macam ni ka?' Jawapannya di OTR pasti ada!
Happy viewing.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Saya ingin mengajak kita mengimbas beberapa ‘jawapan’ Yesus dimana setiap kali Yesus menjawab, Dia akan menjawab sesuai dengan keperluan & seru doa kita, contohnya;

1. Perempuan berdosa yang mengurapi kaki Yesus.
Yesus berkata “ Dosamu telah diampuni
- Jika kita berdosa, dosa kita diampuni.
2. Anak muda yang telah mati di Nain.
Yesus berkata “Hai anak muda, Aku berkata kepadamu, bangkitlah!”
- Jika kita mati (fizik/rohani), Yesus berkata ‘bangkitlah!’
3. Yesus menyembuhkan hamba seorang perwira di Kapernaum
Yesus berkata “Aku berkata kepadamu, iman sebesar ini tidak pernah Aku jumpai, sekalipun diantara orang Israel”.
- Yesus juga melihat iman kita, biarlah kita beriman dan percaya saja kepadaNya, mukjizat pasti nyata.
4. Yesus menyembuhkan seorang buta dekat Yerikho
Orang buta ini berseru “Yesus Anak Daud, kasihanilah aku” – 2 kali.
Yesus berhenti dan bertanya “Apa yang kau kehendaki supaya Aku perbuat bagimu?”
Jawab orang itu, “Tuhan supaya aku dapat melihat”.
Yesus berkata, “Melihatlah engkau, imanmu telah menyembuhkan engkau”.
- Orang buta memanggil Yesus dengan panggilan ‘Mesias’Nya, dia tahu Juruselamat adalah dari keturunan Daud, dia ada IMAN bahwa Yesuslah Juruselamat.
- Kita harus mengakui Dia Tuhan dan Juruselamat kita, maka Tuhan dan Sang Juruselamat akan menjawab sesuai dengan iman dan permohonan kita.
5. Yesus menjawab sesuai dengan gerak geri / isi hati kita yang mahu mencari dan melihat Yesus.
- Dalam kes Zacheus, Zacheus tidak minta apa-apa, tetapi gerak geri dan isi hati Zacheus diketahui oleh Yesus. Zacheus berusaha melihat Yesus tetapi kerana fizikalnya yang pendek ia tidak dapat melihat Yesus lalu dia berlari mendahului orang banyak, memanjat pohon ara untuk melihat Yesus.
- Ketika Yesus sampai ke tempat itu, Ia melihat ke atas dan berkata “ Zacheus, segeralah turun, sebab hari ini Aku harus menumpang di rumahmu.”
- Yesus menjemputkan diriNya sendiri untuk makan di rumah Zacheus, wow bestnya…..Jealous aku.

Saudara, sementara kita menyembah Tuhan Yesus bersama pagi ini, apapun keperluanmu atau permohonanmu, percayalah Yesus akan menjawab sesuai dengan keperluanmu. Jika ada orang berdosa di tempat ini, Yesus berkata “Dosamu telah diampuni”. Ada yang ‘mati?’ Yesus berkata “bangkitlah”, Yesus ingin melihat iman timbul dalam hatimu bahwa Dia sanggup menjawab semua seru doamu, dan kalau anda tidak dapat mengungkapkan kata-kata sekalipun, tunjukkan imanmu melalui gerak gerimu dalam penyembahan ( contoh: bertepuk tangan, angkat tangan, dsb ), Yesus memperhatikan gerak gerimu / isi hatimu seperti Zacheus. Yesuslah yang menjawab keperluanmu pagi ini. Nikmati hadirat Tuhan yang luarbiasa di tengah kita. Amen.
( Seperti yang dikongsikan sebelum memimpin pujian pada 26.07.09 di SIB On The ROCK) Tuhan memberkati.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Surabaya, Madiun and Jakarta Visit

Thanks God, by His grace, we visited Indonesia in 2007. Our journey was fully sponsored by Pak Yusuf Stefanus. Makasih banget Pak, kami sangat diberkati. Here are some photos during our visit. Maaf kalau gambarnya kurang 'klir'.

Rumah Pak Yusuf yang cantik

Aktiviti 'Makan terus' di rumah Pak Yusuf...Sedap..!

Tiap pagi dihidang 'teh manis'....wanginya di hotel terbesar di Madiun.

Pr Andy berkhotbah dan membuat 'altar call' di Gereja Jawi Wetan, Madiun.

Menyembah bersama di Gereja Jawi Wetan, Madiun.

Bersama pemimpin Gereja Jawi Wetan, Madiun.

Jr, sempat sambut birthday ke-10 di Madiun, dapat hadiah batik Jawa lagi.

Station Keretapi Madiun - nak ke Jakarta

Jr sedang bermain dengan teman2 Indonesianya sementara menanti keretapi.

Dalam Keretapi 'Executive Class' , Madiun - Jakarta

Monas, Jakarta
(Emas tulen puncaknya tu tau)

Kedai Buku Kristen "Metanoia"- Besar, 3 tingkat, macam2 ada.

Gereja Tiberias, Menteng Prada, Jakarta

Gereja 'GLOW'- Gilbert Lumuoindong, Jakarta

Istora Bung Karno, Jakarta
( Persiapan Ibadah Natal gereja Tiberias - Pak Brando dan isteri bersama )
That's all for now, lain kali bisa ngorbit dan 'ngornet' yah!!!Bye!